So what is sacred geometry exactly and how is it used in environments?
Sacred geometry is used in my practice to further enhance the harmonics of a space, enhance a person’s health and create balance. I help architects worldwide design the best overall floor plans/rooms, and help businesses design the best corporate logos, I even help homeowners designs gardens, pool designs and/or special additions that they wish to build inside or outside the home by aligning their additions with these harmonic sacred portions.
The easiest explanation is that it is considered by many scholars to be the sacred form of all creation. Sacred patterns are found in colors, light, shapes, shells, flowers, animals, plants, architecture, music, planetary movements and much more. The mathematics of sacred geometry are 1 to PHI (1.618). Over the years so many of the Masters I have studied under have spent time teaching about the importance of sacred geometry in healthy environments, which is meant to support healthy harmonic living. I was so inspired by these teachings that I designed my own corporate logo at Feng Shui Design Solutions around these divine proportions of the golden ratio. I have helped many other corporations and businesses worldwide do the same through my business logo consultations.
Sacred geometry involves universal patterns that is recognized and seen in many forms of creation; such as the strands of our bodies DNA, a nautilus shell, an honey combs structure, crystal structures, and the galaxies, just to name a few. Sacred geometry is a high vibrational energy, which supports health and the evolving of consciousness and connectedness with all that exists around us. The pictures below are images I took in the Notre Dame Church in Paris, France. So many churches in Europe have these beautiful displays of sacred geometry within their architectural structures and designs inside and outside.
As far back as 2500 years ago it was taught that these sacred forms are the creation and foundation of everything in our physical world. Sacred Geometric structures were often found in Egyptian, Greek and Roman Architecture. You will see sacred geometry often displayed in many churches, mosques, altars, gardens and religious monuments. Sacred Geometry is mathematical ratios that display a specific harmonic proportion pattern and can also been found in music and light.